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When to Choose Sex Cams over Porn

This content is provided for informational purposes only.

Is there really that much of a difference between sex cams and porn? Good question – and the answer is “yes”. Everybody has their own preferences, and that can certainly extend to sex cams vs. porn. But when would you choose one over the other? It depends on a few different factors.

For instance, you could go to a sex cam site like NudeLive just wanting a quick fix. With all the public shows available for free, it’s easy to find something you like. In that case, there are actually plenty of similarities to porn. What if you decide on a private show, though? Now that’s a whole different animal compared to porn.

There’s an element of “anything can happen” that makes the experience so much more realistic.

When you watch porn you may not know what’s going to happen already, but you do know that whatever does happen is a done deal – you’re watching recorded events. The only person calling the shots was the porn director, and by the time the actors got the take right, they were probably already tired of what they were doing.

If you’re part of a sex cam chat, though, you get to be the one calling the shots. You might be part of a group of viewers on a public show, collectively influencing the performance with your requests; or you could be the sole viewer of a private show, directing the webcam model’s every move. Either way, the unpredictability makes for a more exciting experience, while getting you more involved at the same time.

Let’s face it – you probably don’t orgasm as hard when you’re watching porn.

Not all orgasms are created equal. If you just need some visual stimulation to help get the show on the road, porn should do the trick…but you’re having to do half the work with your imagination. And if you’re trying to think about it, you’re trying too hard.

Now consider what happens when you’re really engaging with a webcam model. There’s a back-and-forth dynamic that you’d never get from a pre-recorded video; you can explore your sexual fantasies, tailoring the experience to your preferences and mood. And when the climax finally arrives, it’ll be an awesome ending to an awesome experience.

There’s a lot more going on than you watching a screen.

Not to hate on porn, but comparing it to webcam sex is like comparing Nickelback to AC/DC. Just…don’t do it. When you’re watching porn, the closest thing you’ll get to interaction is a few unintelligible comments and the like button.

Start watching a sex cam show, and you’ll have all kinds of interaction. Public shows often include lively text chats from engaged viewers, who talk among themselves as well as to the webcam model. Private shows will give you the opportunity for person-to-person interaction, since you’re the only one taking up the model’s attention.

In some cases, the interaction doesn’t end with the show; many webcam models encourage their viewers to keep up with them via social media too. You can not only follow what they’re up to online, but also contribute your two cents, and know that they probably saw your comment.

Porn stars often have massive online followings too, but those are just countless faceless people who saw their videos at some point. There was never any interaction, and there doesn’t have to be – so why care? Webcam models won’t turn into your second family by any means, but there’s still a certain amount of give and take.

Sex cam shows may not be the real thing, but they’re a lot more real than porn.

At some point, everyone has to learn that movies aren’t real. That person didn’t get punched, the actor isn’t really sad, and the beloved dead dog is actually alive and well.

The same thing can be said for porn; there’s a lot of acting involved (if you can call it that). The viewer knows good and well that the bored housewife isn’t actually being seduced by the plumber. Fortunately, realism isn’t exactly the point; it doesn’t have to be real. It’s porn. However, this means that you can only get so far with nothing but a video to help you along.

Contrast that to live webcam sex, where you’re interacting with a model in real time. Some of them will put on a show, but for the most part, what you’re seeing is actually happening. The webcam model may not be sexually interested in you, but they’re certainly interested in their hand, vibrator, partner, or whatever else they’re incorporating into the performance.

Which do you think you’re more likely to meet – a porn star, or a webcam model?

If you guessed “webcam model”, you’d be correct. Webcamming has grown quickly as a viable way to generate income; couple that with the fact that views on morality have changed a lot in the last few decades, and you get a whole lot of people putting on sex cam shows.

The woman sitting in front of you on the bus? She could be a webcam model. What about the waiter at your local Italian restaurant? He might be one too. The sweet couple who just moved into the same apartment complex as you? Maybe so.

On the one hand, you have the people who provide virtual sex to you online; on the other hand, you can connect the experience to real life when you realize that you’ve probably met someone who’s a webcam model. True, the same thing could happen with porn actors…but it’s a lot less likely.

So – when should you choose sex cams over porn?

Everybody needs to let off some steam every now and then; that’s what porn is good for. If you’re in the mood for something more intimate and intense, however, sex cams are the way to go. And the best part? You don’t have to choose between one and the other; either one is there for you, whenever you want it!

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